2013-02-02 (Saturday)
The stupid cookie law is dead at last | Silktide blog
“History has shown us that whenever a law opposes the will of the people, it doesn’t tend to do much. It may have been illegal to tape songs off the radio, but there’s little appetite from police officers to cart schoolchildren off to prison for it. And so it is here.” (via @tomskitomski)
@blech What else are overgrown children supposed to drink while playing with their Big Traks and wearing their Atari t-shirts? Quatro?
@gilest I haven’t changed it or received any emails about doing so…
@spaceboy Yes, is real. If in doubt just go to twitter.com direct rather than click a link in email I guess.
@geraaht Because @samuelpepys @pretendoffice @todaysguardian @visionphil etc etc
@spaceboy What’s the confusion? May I be of assistance, caller?
Also, I would be more likely to set secure passwords if I could be logged into the Twitter website with more than one account at a time.
Two of my Twitter accounts needed new passwords. Although Twitter did send me six emails, of two different types, about those two accounts.