Summer plans

A quick update on what I’m up to… Term finished a couple of weeks ago and the world of prancing around in an empty room seems a long way off already. But most nights I’ve had dreams about LISPA or involving people from class, which I never did during term time. Something’s obviously happening in my brain.

I now have three months’ break. A week ago I went for an audition for a no-budget film (my first ever audition for a part!), the result of which was a “we might be able to use you”, which could be worse.

There are also preparations for another performance of Lilia Litviak. The play has been completely re-worked over the past few months (which I haven’t had time to play much part in) and it’s very different to last October’s performances. We’re lacking a performance space at the moment though; if you know of something (a studio theatre?) that is cheap, and available in October or December, do let me know!

But these months are mainly going to involve me working. I’m continuing some part-time work for a client NDAs forbid me from naming, but most of my time is going to be spent at the BBC. Just when I thought I’d left the LISPA days of commuting to west London behind me! I’m working on two projects, both of which are extremely exciting in different ways, so it should be an interesting summer.

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Saturday 4 August 2007, 10:54am

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4 Aug 2007 at Twitter

  • 4:25pm: Looking at amazing paintings (NPG portait competition) by people born in the mid-1980s makes me feel old.
  • 11:01am: Worky stuff done, off to the Tate Modern.
  • 8:06am: Trying to get a bit of work finished before I start the weekend properly. Arms aching from Wiiing with Tom and Barney last night.