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Links tagged with “django”

  1. Use Django and jQuery to create a spreadsheet application

    That’s a more interesting guide/demo than “how to make a weblog”. (via Django Weekly)

  2. Dancarroll / django-activitysync / source – Bitbucket

    Django app for aggregating activity from different services, currently Twitter, Google Reader and Reddit.

  3. Virtualenv and pip Basics | Jontourage

    Nothing I didn’t already know, but explained simply and clearly, which will be handy if I have to describe this stuff to anyone else.

  4. From zero to coder hero: Synchronizing django with twitter using django-syncr

    How to fix the out-of-date django-syncr to work with Twitter’s OAuth.

  5. Danfairs/django-syncr at danfairs - GitHub

    What looks like the most active copy of django-syncr around. Dan’s adding stuff to the ‘danfairs’ branch.

  6. Django-syncr - Project Hosting on Google Code

    The “official” django-syncr source, but not updated since December 2008.

  7. Django-syncr: Synchronize Django with the web |

    Introduction to django-syncr, which grabs Twitter, Flickr, Delicious, etc stuff from your accounts to your own Django-powered website.

  8. Coderholic’s django-cities at master - GitHub

    Models, with data from GeoNames, for countries, regions, cities and districts, for Django. Haven’t used it yet, but looks very useful.

  9. Django-messages - Project Hosting on Google Code

    App for allowing the sending of private messages between users of a site. Looks good at first glance.

  10. Izi / django-admin-tools / wiki / Home – Bitbucket

    Another way of making Django’s admin nicer.

  11. Django-grappelli - Project Hosting on Google Code

    Skin for making Django admin look nicer.

  12. Dcramer’s django-sentry at master - GitHub

    Looks nice, haven’t used it. “Sentry provides you with a generic interface to view and interact with your [Django] error logs.”

  13. Alex’s django-taggit at master - GitHub

    Hopefully more reliable than whatever that other django tagging app I used a while ago was.

  14. I have tried to be happy with django, I really have. : django

    I’m finding this quite reasoned discussion about what’s good/bad about Django really interesting.

  15. Django via fastCGI on Lighttpd | App Delegate Inc

    This description of how to set it up sounds comprehensible.

  16. WebFaction : Hosts : Djangofriendly

    Sounds like a really good place to go for hosting Django websites. (Shame about the comment spam on the Djangofriendly site though.)

  17. Django Advent

    Finally finished reading this. Are there other sites that have this kind of writing about Django regularly?

  18. Python Package Index : Mezzanine 0.2.2

    “A content management platform built using the Django framework” and with a nice WordPress-style admin interface.

  19. Zachary Voase’s Blog » Django Project Conventions, Revisited.

    Clear and (to my naive eye) sensible description of laying out a Django project’s files. I’d love to see more good examples if you know any.

  20. Subsume’s django-data-import at master - GitHub

    I’m not pondering re-writing my entire Movable Type and PHP site in Django, no, not at all, that would be foolish. But if I was, this would be useful.

  21. Montylounge’s django-mingus at master - GitHub

    Of all the Django weblog apps, I *think* this is supposed to be one of the best.

  22. Pinax

    I don’t know enough to know if this is good, but it sounds interesting - lots of basic tools to jump-start building your Django site.

  23. Robhudson’s django-debug-toolbar at master - GitHub

    Looks very handy for showing what’s happening under the hood on your Django pages.

  24. Crowdsourced document analysis and MP expenses

    About writing the Guardian’s site that lets people examine MPs’ expenses. Especially good on the lessons learned from the first version, and how they improved for the second.

  25. Jacobian’s jellyroll at master - GitHub

    “You keep personal data in all sorts of places on the internets. Jellyroll brings them together onto your own site.” Sounds good, but haven’t tried it. (via Blech)

  26. The Django Book: Version 2.0 (English)

    Lets people attach comments to individual paragraphs. Quite nicely done compared to some similar implementations (eg, BookGlutton, CommentPress).

  27. Hedged down: Practical Django Projects

    For future reference if/when I have a look at this book, updated code examples. (via Blech)

  28. 10 Insanely Useful Django Tips - NETTUTS

    I like insanely useful tips. Just dipping my toes in Python at the mo so this may come in useful. (via Blech)

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